Friday, 7 January 2011

YouTube - North Point's iBand

Christmas music using borrowed iPhones and iPads at North Point Community Church.This is soooo cool, check it out

Christmas Music

Daniel’s Blog

Friendster article on Christian Marriage

christian intimacy

The Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship"

The Christian Party in the Uk is bringing Christian values into the political realm. Well worth taking a look.

christian politics

Daniel Smithson's ponderings on life, faith and a bunch of other moments in life

A very fascinating web site that we hear about a lot over here. Thoughts about Christian marriage and Intimacy, and what the Bible really says about this.


Christian Marriage and Intimacy Advice on

Christian Marriage and intimacy Advice on

christian sexuality

Coastlands Christian Outreach Centre

Christian Outreach Centre in Worthing - Where Miracles Happen!

christian outreach centre church in worthing

Christian Outreach Centre | Reaching Our World For Christ

The new look Christian Outreach Centre Europe site

christian outreach centre