Monday, 27 September 2010


Sexual positions for Christians? Christian husbands and wives need to be knowledgeable about what sexual positions are most pleasing for them in their marriage bed. Is the missionary position the only one allowed, or can Christian couples savor other more exotic delights in their marriage bed?

When we explore new delights in the bedroom we must always keep honour and love at the top of our agenda, and never push our desires on our spouse. Both partners should always be comfortable and desire to try novel ways and positions. Love making is so much more than just sex. The Christian marriage bed should always be undefiled by selfishness, yet always remain open to enjoy sensual gratification to our Christian husband or Christian wife. If we always keep our partners pleasure in mind, the appropriate boundaries for sexual expression and experimentation will be in place.

As you develop true trust in your marriage relationship you will be able to talk with one another openly and explicitly about what you enjoy sexually.

The Bible does not talk specifically about sexual positions for Christians, nor does it restrict what we are able to enjoy and explore together as Christian husband and wife. The book Song of Songs powerfully describes sexual encounters in a Biblical context. Beautiful artistic descriptions of smell, taste and touch fill the pages of Song of Solomon, and they can fill your Christian sex life too. They clearly are exploring each other's body in detailed and passionate ways. Wow. THis is for you too!

Delight yourselves in one another.You are a gift to each other to be enjoyed and loved. Be set free to explore together wonderful ways to enjoy Christian sexual positions and intimate encounters with your chosen husband or wife. The marriage bed is an intimate place where you get to know one another in wonderful ways, and God's blessing rests upon you as you do.

If you need encouragement and instruction about satisfactory and enjoyable ways to enrich your sexual relationship in Christian marriage, and would like to explore new ways together to savour Christian sex in your marriage there are some tasteful and exciting Christian resources available right now to sky rocket your Christian sex life through the roof.

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